First of all, some never have had the dusty fond memories you talk about. A vinyl LP? What in the world do you speak of? Are those the things in the back room you never take out anymore but which we can't get rid of?
Second, I will 'second' your comment on new books. I love pulling down your copies of books and opening them before you do. Some are great reads. Others are better as chew toys. By the way, the youngest dog is clever enough to chew on the part of the book facing away from you on the shelf, so you won't see the damage when she puts the book back. Sometimes we don't give her enough credit.
Lastly, it's this whole thing of how people do things now. Look, I go out a lot, as far as you let me within the jail that is the fenced-in yard, that is. I get exercise and I see the sun within your attempt at a miniature nature preserve, minus the nature. My nose is to the ground learning about the world, nonetheless. Learning about what that sneak squirrel is up to, or if padfoot rabbit's been out and about in the yard. You humans...all the world's at your fingertips, sure, catalogued for you nicely in an amage. So you stay inside. Not only do you lose out on cataloging things differently from first-hand experience, but you get issues with eye strain, back pains, and lack of exercise. You ought to be taking me out on walks more often to discover the world first-hand, so you can get gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe, or I can eat the gum you don't step on, as if anyone is outside enough to spit gum out on the sidewalk anymore. Now THERE'S a lost physical pleasure. The point is, you can catalog that in better writing from real-world experience. I'll be happy to lend my witty tongue to the process.
Just a dog's take on things physical versus things made of bits and bytes. You should have brought this up for the book, you know. Dog signing off for now. Work calls.