I really loved doing an interview with Rolando Garcia on his blog. That was a lot of fun! Rolando treated me like the equal that I am, even though I had to ride in the family car over rather than in a stretch limousine as I had requested. Almost called PETA on that one, but, you know, it's hard to make these paws dial a cell phone. Rolando had a nice cushion set up which allowed me to be at eye-level with the distinguished and mustachioed gentleman of letters, and he had a nice blend of coffee to drink and a few pastries to eat. I don't get pastries much at home, in the name of some health kick I am supposed to appreciate. It doesn't make sense to me, especially as we share cigars and beer, despite said health concern. At any rate, Author Ullom/Jotter (I wish the guy would settle on one name, since he pushes one name on me relentlessly) was gracious enough to let me have my say without interruption.
After the interview, Jotter and I sat on the back deck of our house, smoking a Montecristo cigar, a Dominican slow-burning affair with a lot of flavor, and we poured a nice Belgian Ale.
"You were certainly confident in your answers." Jotter observed to me, idly holding the cigar in his right hand and watching the smoke curl up.
"When you have the intellect of a 12-year old Dachshund brain as I do, there's no reason not to be," I replied.
Nodding, Jotter looked at me. "You never mentioned before your love of Groucho Marx."
"How can anyone not love the guy? You know my favorite quote?" I asked Jotter, who shook his head. "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my
pajamas I'll never know." We chuckled at that, with me flashing my pearly whites in that winsome way that has gotten me, well, zero dates. I continued, "I've often thought of letting my pajamas accidentally stay on the deck overnight, to see if that pesky squirrel or padfoot rabbit will put them on so I can take some action and use the joke with the other dogs."
Jotter reminded me that I don't have pajamas. What a killjoy. I am going to set up a pajama fund to rectify this terrible situation. In the meantime, be sure to enjoy the interview at http://phantomimic.weebly.com/2/post/2013/02/interview-with-dog.html